Top 7 Sensory-Friendly Colours for Neurodiverse Children

Top 7 Sensory-Friendly Colours for Neurodiverse Children

Not all colours are created equal!

Did you know that different colours can impact our mood positively and negatively? The intensity of a hue can have as much of an impact as the colour itself, and not all colours are beneficial.

Neurodiverse children often react differently to colours compared to their neurotypical counterparts. Studies have shown that 85% of neurodiverse children see colours more intensely. This means that bright colours can be overwhelming and lead to sensory overload. Making the right colour choices in clothing and the environment is one of the ways we can support our neurodiverse children's mental well-being.

At Pheels, we look at all aspects of neurodiversity and sensory sensitivities, striving to create clothing that enhances the lives of neurodiverse children, giving them the freedom to express their individuality while feeling safe and confident.

Check out our latest COLLECTION of fun, sensory-friendly kids' clothing.


Soft and muted shades of blue can provide a feeling of calm and can be particularly helpful for children with sensory sensitivities. They can reduce stress and aid in self-regulation. These hues have much shorter wavelengths than brighter colours, meaning much less stimulation.

Darker shades of blue can evoke a sense of relaxation and tranquility and help a child fall asleep.

Shades of blue 


Softer hues of green can help to reduce feeling of chaos, having a soothing effect on neurodiverse children. The colour green can be used to retain emotional balance and help a child to feel calm, safe and in control.

 Teal feather


Pale pink has been nominated as the favourite colour for children on the spectrum. It evokes feelings of peacefulness, love, and safety.

Soft pinks can help with concentration and are one of the best colours to paint a bedroom or calming space.

Light pink fabric

Pastel Purples

Similar to pink, these pastel tones can have a positive effect on neurodiverse children. Violet has the shortest and fastest (least emotionally stimulating) wavelength, which evokes feelings of calm, creativity, and safety.



Pastel and muted oranges can be sensory-friendly, evoking feelings of warmth, comfort, and safety. Soft orange tones can be used to help stimulate the appetite and can help children with food sensory sensitivities.


Neutral Tones

Beige, creams, or tans have a similar calming effect as blues and greens. They are great for neurodiverse people because they are not distracting and can balance out other bright colours.



Medium to light shades of grey are sensory-friendly, giving the feeling of balance and calm. They can work similarly to neutral tones and are another great option to break up brighter colours and reduce over-stimulation.

Grey tracksuit 

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